Tuesday 18 June 2013

Lilia is TWO!!!

So here comes the annoyingly soppy and emotional speech that I will make on every single birthday that Lilia has, even passed her eighteenth. I don't care if it annoys anyone or people think I'm sad for doing it, she's my little Princess and I can't believe that two years ago today she was this tiny 7lb 11.5oz baby who was completely helpless and dependent on me. Now she's a proper little girl whose walking, talking, and pretty much does everything for herself minus the obvious. These last two years have gone by so quickly, I genuinely can't believe that it's her SECOND birthday. It only seems like yesterday I was lying in the hospital saying hello to this new little bundle, who I had only just met, and now I am celebrating the fact that I've spent two years with her! They have been the best years of my life and I honestly wouldn't change a thing. As far as I'm concerned my life is the most amazing life anyone can wish for. It may have happened earlier than I had originally wanted, but as I sit here staring at photographs of this perfect little being I'm glad it did. I feel well and truly blessed to be the mother of this beautiful girl, and I can't believe that I have spent 104 weeks with her already. I am looking forward to the many more to come, and can't wait until she's old enough to cringe over these messages. Until then though, I am happy writing them for myself to read and remember her as my baby before she becomes my best friend. I love you Lilia Jade. <3

Sunday 24 March 2013

Can I just say..

This blog brings me the worst luck ever. Thinking of starting a new one, not really sure though.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Oh hi strangers!

I haven't blogged in sooo long it's ridonk..
Anywho I have a fair bit to say so bare with me :}

Okay. So first off is my apology of not blogging in like.. FOREVER.. But I don't think anyone reads my blog anymore so I don't really bother. Also it is pretty busy being a mum of two under two.. It's a shame really, because I really enjoyed my blog. And I love looking back at the posts I wrote while I was pregnant with Lilia. But anyways..

Lilia is twenty one months.. Where the hell has the time gone?! I can't believe my baby will be two in five months, it's just so incredible! She can say a hell of a lot, too much to write, and is so cheeky. She is such a caring sister and I honestly am so proud of the way she has put up with Tyler. He takes up so much time and attention and she just takes it on the chin.. She's a beautiful girl. I wanna take her out for the day just me and her and spoil her rotten but I have to wait until I'm not constantly skint first.
The only problem I am having with her at the moment is her behaviour. It is terrible. I mean really bad. I was never like this when I was baby and my mother says no one else was either - her, my cousins, my dad, etc.. But James' family have all been like this, so I guess it's just a trait she gets from her father. She bites, she screams, she pinches, she scrams.. The amount of marks and scabs etc I have had from her hurting me because I have told her off, told her no, or not done something she wants, is ridiculous.. I'm determined to get passed it though.

Tyler is six months.. SIX MONTHS!!!! I am literally almost in shock. I can't believe it has gone by so fast! I mean I know I've been through it before with Lilia so I should know how fast it goes but it honestly seems to be going even quicker this time.. I guess it's because I have two.
Anyways he's gorgeous. He has these massive blue eyes that just melt your heart and everyone always points them out to me ha ha :P
Tyler is pretty much a typical boy. I mean he's lazy in the way of learning things.. He learnt to roll over like a few weeks to a month ago at most. He can't sit up yet but he definitely trying on that one. He loves to be in his door bouncer so I think he's going to learn to walk either early or pretty soon after crawling. He's also lazy with weaning. I've started weaning him, he needed to be weaned at four months because he was just so hungry all the time but he is too lazy to eat it properly. Only now at six months is he beginning to co-operate when I try to feed him solids. It's still a lot of work but at least we're making progress I suppose!
He has such a happy personality, exactly like his big sister. The only problem with him is he is a very very very clingy baby. And when I say very three times, I mean every single one. He is such a mummy's boy it's unreal. He will want cuddles for an entire day sometimes. He will refuse to sleep unless I'm holding him occasionally. He will play by himself on his mat or in his bumbo or door bouncer, etc, for like half hour and then cry for me. Or he'll be okay on his own but then I'll walk passed and he'll see me and then he will scream for me until I go to him.. It can be very trying.
He still wakes during the night, minimum of once and usually a maximum of three times unless he is ill. It's hard though.

As for myself.. I'm doing okay. As okay as a nineteen year old tied down from anything by two kids, anyway. I do not regret having them at all, I don't mean anything bad by saying tied down.. But it's so hard. I didn't realise how hard it would be to have two. It's so so different to having just the one. I don't regret Tyler one bit but I do wish he could have happened like five years after he did.. But oh well, he's lovely anyway. I'm just making the most of the life I have and trying to see things in a positive light but sometimes it's hard when Tyler is as clingy as he is and Lilia acts up or gets jealous (which is not often) or something.. But yeah.

I don't really know where this is going anymore.. I had so much to update you guys on but my mind has just gone blank.. Tyler's screaming in his cot and it's pretty distracting, ha ha.

I wanted to update you guys with photos of them but my laptop is broke (only works on safe mode with networking) and I don't upload them to my Instagram or Twitter so I guess you'll just have to wait for me to fix my laptop if I can ever afford to..

So on the topic of broken laptops I'm gonna state the obvious and say I won't be posting for a while ha ha!
But I will try to again because I do miss this blog!

Love you all my beautiful readers :D
Please comment on how you all are!
- Especially Holly, I miss you!!

Monday 28 January 2013

It's been so long!

I'm just writing a quick post to update everyone on everything.
Lilia is going to be two in five months time. I cannot believe it! She is getting so clever now. She can say so much and is learning new things every day. She knows her name, and she knows Tyler's.
Tyler is four months old, nearly five. He already has one tooth! And he's getting another. He's recently learnt to grab hold of things and is just steadying his hands up now. He is trying his best to sit up too, always pulling his head and shoulders off whatever he is lying on.

I will write a more detailed post when I have more time but I have a house to clean ha ha. :)

Monday 31 December 2012

Dear Tyler;

Well, my Handsome Man, this will be the first year we will enter together. You have been such a blessing to me, I am one very lucky mummy to have you as my son. I know at first I was unsure of the whole situation, but now I couldn't be more grateful for your existence. Fate doesn't throw you things you can't handle, so I knew you were here as a blessing rather than a curse, and I was so right. You are an amazing little boy, you are always smiling and laughing, always pleasant. You can see how much love you have for your family, especially your sister, and even strangers, just by the look in your eyes. I can tell you are going to be an amazing man/son. A lot of 2012 has been about you; we found out we were expecting you, we found out you were a boy, you arrived, you had your first Christmas, and now you will be celebrating your first New Year. It's mad how much can happen in a year, and even nuttier to think that at the beginning of this year you were nothing but a bunch of cells slowly forming and growing, and now look at you. You are an actual person with his own cheeky personality. I am in awe of you. You, along with your sister, are the light of my life. You are the reason for me to make 2013 the best year yet. I am going to try my damn hardest, and I am going to do it for you. You deserve the best. you deserve my all, and that is what I am going to give. 2013 will bring your first birthday, and I am looking forward to it. It will be the first year we will have spent together right from January to December. You have only been here for 3.5 months, and they have been a hard 3.5 months, but definitely rewarding. It has all been worth it. In just fifteen weeks my family has been completed, my life has changed even more than it had before, and I have realised a hell of a lot. All thanks to you. I am writing this blog as I watch you and your sister in the living room. Your sister is playing happily in front of you and you are sitting in your bouncer gurgling and smiling at her. Love oozes from you, baby boy. Already I am proud. As I said to Lilia, when you become a teen you will probably find me embarrassing and irritating, wanting little to do with me, but that's okay. I get it. A few years of distance is totally worth it, you will always be a mummy's boy at heart. You have such a pure soul, with so much love to give, and I am proud to call you my own. So Happy New Year gorgeous, let's make this one ours.
I love you. Forever and always,
Your Mummy xxx

Dear Lilia;

Happy New Year my beautiful little girl. This has been the first year we have spent together all the way through, and it will be our second New Year to celebrate together. I am writing this as a thank you, for being in my life. I don't know where I would be without you. Thank you for being such an amazing daughter, a good girl, and an even better big sister. You are honestly one of the greatest human beings on this earth, and you are all mine. I am looking forward to 2013, where we can all be together as a complete family, and I am also looking forward to all the other new years to come. Even though you will be in bed by the time we enter the next year, I am glad for you to be here with me to go into it. When you are older I understand that you will be living your own life, that you will want to go out and celebrate it with friends or boyfriends rather than with your mother, so I will make the most of now. When you hit the stage of not wanting much to do with me I will take it on the chin, because I know that eventually the day will come when you will want to spend time with me again. When you will fully appreciate me for being your mother, when you will realise all that I have done for you. I know that you won't until you become a mother yourself, so until then I will just wait patiently. Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have you in my life. I started writing this letter with full intention to tell you how wonderful you are and how much I love you, but I simply cannot put it into words. I will tell you every day, remind you every night, and you will always know that even if the whole world walks out on you.. Your mummy will always be right here. I grew you in my tummy from a microscopic egg into an actual person. A teeny 7lb 11.5oz baby. I am so damn proud that I did that. 2013 is going to be such an amazing year for us beautiful, I promise you that not only as your mother but as your best friend too. I am going to do my very best to make sure that the year that begins tomorrow will be a year that you deserve, and you deserve the best. Sure, there are going to be some tough times in the year to come, but just one look at your gorgeous, smiley, face and I know that it'll all be worth it. The biggest ups I will have in 2013 will come from you and your brother. One of the biggest events in 2012 we shared was your first ever birthday. I wish I could have made it more special for you but nevermind, there is always your second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on.. 2012 also brought you your first easter. Not only that, but it was the year you became a big sister. And a brilliant one you are. I am so excited to see the new year in with you (in bed, but still, ha ha) and to make it our best year yet. Good things are gonna happen baby, I promise!
I love you. Forever and always,
Your Mummy xxx

Sunday 30 December 2012


Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all my wonderful readers :) Hope your holidays have been/will continue to be as good as mine have been :)