This week has been much better than the first. Both Lilia and I seem to be more settled now, and we more or less have a routine going on. Lilia is wide awake and much more alert and nosy than a two week old should be! She's also trying to hold her head up all the time, and she can actually manage to hold it up for a good 10 seconds or even a bit more! It's crazy!
Sadly I haven't been able to get my milk supply back because when I pumped my nipples started to bleed, and it got too much for me. (Sorry if it's too much information, aha!) A midwife who was helping with Lilia's feeding problem said as long as I'm happy then it's okay that I haven't got milk anymore. She said Lilia is now 7lb 9 (or was when she last got weighed on Wednesday by my health visitor) which is nearly back up to her birth weight so she's doing really really well. She said I don't need to be worried at all, and they're discharging me on Friday :)
The health visitor made her first visit on Wednesday and said Lilia is looking really lovely. Lilia's notes said she was severely jaundice and she would have to be taken into hospital and put under a UV light if it didn't clear within a certain amount of time.. But it had completely cleared and the health visitor was really impressed! :) So I guess that was down to me bottle feeding her and making sure she had eaten enough.. Thanks Tommee Tippee;)
Lilia's changing already. It's hard to believe she's only two weeks old.. She looks completely different to what she did before! The spare time that I have I spend editing pictures of her (if I'm not napping) because I've decided I'm going to make a scrap book for her, full of pictures and stuff throughout her first year (maybe longer). And I want to buy her a charm bracelet for her first birthday, so that it's something sentimental. For each occasion then I will buy her a charm (possibly another present as well cos it'd be boring having a charm every year) to add to the bracelet. I just think it's a really great idea :)
Oh and my stitches have come out :) Well, the knot that is at the top came out today, exactly two weeks after I had them done (at Lilia's birth) so I suppose that's a good sign that everything is all healing well! :)
I've yet to provide the salutes that I have promised certain people. But as you can understand, it's very busy being a new mommy! I do promise I will do them though. Hopefully next week, but I'm not sure yet as my mother and James are back in work (both had time off because of the baby) and I'm left to look after Lilia and myself and the house completely on my own for the first time. I'm going to struggle with the washing of clothes and dishes, etc, but I'm not going to struggle with taking care of my girl. I'm used to that already now and its just kinda instinctive. I doubt I'll look after myself though tbh, haha. My mother had to basically force me to eat during the first week and a half!
More soon! I do try and get on whenever I can but obviously it's hard. Hence I'm just doing weekly updates. I hope that my blog will be more back to normal (still with the weekly updates) soon though!
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