Monday, 27 June 2011

Surviving Lilia - the first week.

First off, I'd like to mention that I won't be adding any more pictures to my blog. I do have a tinypic though, and I'm willing to share the links to photos if you ask and I know you well enough to trust you with photos of my daughter. I don't care if you don't understand, and I don't care if this makes me "fake". She's my daughter and I'd rather know whose looking at photos of her and be assumed a liar than everyone know I'm not lying and have anyone look at her photos.
I've actually said I'll add one more photo - photo of her with paper saying my blog, etc.. But obviously life's kinda busy at the moment. I'll take it when I have time to sit down and write on a piece of paper. But until then.. Just be patient, aha.

Anyways. The first week has been very hard and tiring, but I love being a mother. Lilia had some problems with her feeding and she lost more weight than she was meant to (up to 8% is average) and her jaundice wouldn't clear. The poor girl has been orange since she was born, only yesterday has it started going down. I was breast feeding but because of her trouble and her jaundice I've had to bottle feed to keep an eye on how much she has. It's kinda gutting in a way, because I really wanted to breast feed. But I'm glad I'm bottle feeding as well because at least now I can make sure my little girl isn't starving.
I've been feeding her formula, so my milk supply has basically nearly gone. Which is a shame because I wanted to feed her breast milk in a bottle.. The midwife said I can get it back with regular pumping, but the only time I have to pump is when Lilia's napping... Which is when I nap too. I can't survive without the naps at the moment, so sadly I haven't been able to get my milk supply back yet ;{ I am determined that I will though!

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