Monday, 4 July 2011

Two weeks postpartum..

My stitches came out after exactly two weeks (well, the knot at the start of them did anyway. I'm not sure if the rest has already dissolved, but if it hasn't then its going to soon..). I went to the toilet and when I was wiping the knot was just there in the tissue. My stitches were white (I've been told they're usually blue) and thicker than what I thought they'd be. I've felt a bit of pulling lately, which must have been my stitches pulling my skin back and my tear healing, etc. But mainly everything is okay down there and slowly getting back to normal :) - well, as normal as can be anyway! I'm still bleeding, but nowhere near as much as I was. It's mainly just like a gunky kinda substance that I'm losing now. I have no idea what it's meant to be, but apparently it's normal ha ha!
My boobs still leak a little bit if I don't wear a bra or the baby cries, etc, but it's not much at all. It's actually less than it was when I was still pregnant! So my milk is still there a little bit, but it's basically gone - and the midwife said I probably wouldn't get it back now. :/
My belly is sagging and I have a lot of excess skin, but it's slowly going and it's gone down a hell of a lot since I gave birth! It's still there, but I'm almost back to what I was like before - just with more skin (and saggier) and lots and lots of stretch marks!
I have a really pale face and baggy eyes 24/7 as a result of being so tired. I look terrible, but I barely have time to shower now so obviously doing my hair and making myself look pretty is last on my list and never gets done. Well.. It's not that I don't have time to shower.. It's just that I'm always nervous when I leave her on her own to go in the shower (she's asleep in her moses basket or crib and completely safe) ... Stupid, I know!
I'm still wearing pads and breast pads (breast pads are just in case) and it's really uncomfortable. I have a really bad rash/sore spot on both of my legs from where the pad has been rubbing the insides due to me wearing them for so long. I can't wait to not have to wear them every day!
I get random aches/twinges in my back, bum, and sometimes my lady area (lack of a better word, aha!) but it's all normal and other than that I feel completely healthy physically :D

So I haven't really done too bad!

This is my two weeks and one day post partum belly;


  1. Aw bless you! You look gorgeous I am sure, your belly looks like it will snap back into shape in no time at all good luck with everything! Not to be nosy (well a little bit) how much weight did you gain? (you obviously don't have to answer I am just curious) Hugs Holly

  2. Didn't see this comment until now :o I gained a WHOPPING three stone!
