Friday, 31 August 2012

Thirty Eight Weeks!

I can't believe I have made it this far. I was so nervous about Tyler coming early, everyone had predicted around the thirty six week mark and I was nowhere near ready by then. I still have a few bits and bobs to do before he comes, but he is welcome to come whenever he likes now really - as long as it is in his correct month! I don't think he is going to be long. I said this with Lilia for weeks before I gave birth to her, ha ha, but I genuinely believe Tyler will be here soon. (It'll be just my luck for him to come late now, you watch!) For the past two nights I have been struggling to sleep. I stay up really late at night tossing and turning and then once I have finally dropped off I find myself waking up on and off until between 6 and 8, then I am up for the day. Today I managed to squeeze an hour nap in at 9 after Lilia had been fed and changed, etc. But an hour was all she wanted and then she was up and ready to play. I'm even missing her nap times (lately I've been sleeping when she does) so that I am tired going to bed, but it still doesn't work. His movements are also really painful. I can feel him pressing on everything and it hurts SO bad, I don't remember it hurting like this when I was full term with Lilia.
My anaemia is still pretty much the same. I am expecting to have my blood taken at my next antenatal, which is on Thursday, to check my levels again but they haven't actually told me this. I still feel anaemic some days, and I had a bad turn a few days ago when I didn't eat my lunch and take my tablet at the time I usually do. I couldn't see properly, I couldn't feel my hands, everything was echoey, and it was like I was there but I wasn't.. A sort of out of body experience, if that makes sense.
Apart from that everything else is still pretty much the same as it always is. I had noticed a reduction in movement from him - which is to be expected - but today he seems to be a bit more active again and jabbing everything with all his might. Yay. Not long to go now, four weeks MAXIMUM.. Exciting stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe Big bump!
    Not long now till you have your little newborn, I must confess I am slightly jealous, although Betsy is still a baby - she is defintely not a newborn & there is something enchanting about newborns Xxx
