Okay so I'm in the middle of cleaning and washing and organising, but my feet have swollen up and are aching like mad so I'm resting them for a minute. I could probably power through; since I only have a little bit of picking up, mopping, and turning a dial on my washing machine left to do, but I have a few things I wanted to write about so I'm using my achy feet as an excuse.. But hey, pregnancy is a good excuse for a lot of things :P!
Anyways, I thought it'd be easier to put everything into one post rather than do like three separate ones, so I've just titled them out to separate them, ha ha....
I'm a member of a group on Facebook for young mums in my local area and a few members wanted to meet up a couple of months back. I never went, but I have been talking to one of the members for a while and we are hoping to meet up soon (but maybe if it's hard for me to get organised for Tyler's arrival, a little later on after his birth). This woman is amazing, I have so much respect for her and what she has been through. When she was just twelve she got told that it was highly unlikely she would ever have children. Just three years after that she naturally conceived non-identical twins. At the very young age of fifteen, someone who thought she'd never be a mother at all became a mother of two. Her little boys, Oliver and Jack, are now seven years old and perfectly healthy, absolutely nothing wrong with them. Not to mention she also has ANOTHER set of twins! One year old identical little girls, Mollie and Maegan, who are also perfectly healthy and have nothing wrong with them. I was so fascinated by her story, even after having her first set of twins she was still told it is unlikely she'll conceive again.. And she did, with MORE multiples! She was telling me how she's met a few people who have been in the same situation - told they cannot have kids and conceived either multiples or more than once! This woman counts her blessings and thanks the lucky stars for her 'miracle babies', but really I just think sometimes maybe doctors don't know everything. I mean they've obviously gotten infertility wrong many times before! Really makes you think, huh.
I've known someone for a while now, but only ever met up with her once. She is just twenty one years old and has FIVE children, one angel baby, and she is pregnant.. She has a four year old son, a daughter who she lost at twenty odd weeks pregnant, an eighteen month old daughter, and four month old twin boys. And she is ten weeks pregnant with another baby.. Only fellow mothers will understand how much respect I have for this woman. I mean, I wouldn't be that crazy or do the things that she has done, but she is coping very well with so many kids and she also has a job! I honestly don't know how she does it. You would never believe she has so many kids. Because of her job, her energy, and also her body.. She has a better body than me, and I've only had one (so far)! She manages to find time to go to the gym for an hour a week, keep up her job, be a mother to these children, and never forget her beautiful angel. In my opinion, yes her choices have been silly and she is so incredibly stupid to have had so many children so young and by so many different guys - all of which are not in her or her children's lives (every child has a different father except for the twins and the baby currently growing), but she is managing so well and I really respect that! Still can't get over how many kids she has and the fact that she is pregnant again though. I mean what the?! Who in their right mind would?! .. I just can't believe it, ha ha.
So my friend has really peed me off lately. She comes over when she feels like it and doesn't care if she disrupts poor Lilia's routine. She gets pissed if I'm busy and not there to accommodate her last minute plans, and then writes bitchy Facebook status' aimed at me saying how I'm never there for her, etc, which is in fact far from the truth.. Very far from it. Anyway, she came over this morning when I was in the middle of cleaning. You could clearly tell I was busy and trying to clean and apart from that I'd already told her.. She emptied Lilia's toy box out completely for her little girl, and watched her little girl break two of Lilia's toys. One was a soft sheep that her little girl bit, and to be honest I'd been waiting for someone to break it because I knew it was coming, but the other was a light up sword thing that James paid a fiver for when we took Lilia to the circus.. I was gutted. Not only was it expensive and a nice little reminder of the fun we had that night but it was sharp and had wires in! I couldn't believe she just watched her daughter break it, and didn't say a word. She didn't tell her off, just kicked the toy to one side! Then she made a sly comment about how she only gives her child water, just because I give Lilia very weak squash! And then went on to say "fill Lottie's bottle up with the same amount" when I went to do Lilia a bottle of milk to help her go off to sleep.. As soon as I made the bottles up - which I only did because I felt a bit mean giving to one and not the other - she left! So I carried on cleaning and have found an empty fag box, a half empty can of Monster energy drink with the rest of it spilt all over my floor, puddles of juice which she had used my CLEAN washing to wipe up, and Lilia's toys were still left everywhere. I wouldn't mind the toys being left out if she hadn't tipped the entire box out. I mean, every mother knows what it's like to have a child and to constantly be picking up after them.. I don't need more mess on top of Lilia's mess already and being heavily pregnant. If I go over her house I always make sure Lilia treats Lottie's toys with respect, and I tell her off and take them off her if she doesn't. I make sure I pick up any mess Lilia has made and I certainly don't make any mess myself! If Lilia tips something I'll ask her what to use to wipe it up or use Lilia's wetwipes - I would never leave it or use her freshly folded washing to wipe it up! I just can't believe the state she has left my house in especially after knowing that I have been trying to clean it today! And I would also never be cheeky and ask for milk or ANYTHING off of her unless Lilia really needed it, I always make sure I go everywhere prepared. Not to mention the fact that Lottie had already had a bottle of milk in front of Lilia! Ugh. I don't think that's really a good friend tbh, do you?!