Still a crappy webcam photo at the minute, sorry guys!
So I'm actually thirty one weeks and one day in the photo (taken today), but it's closer than what I've been getting it in my last pregnancy posts anyway! Not a lot has really changed since my last update, but then you wouldn't expect it to in such little time, ha ha. I still have my bad back, but it's on the left side instead lately, and it is soo much worse than what it was on the right. I have trouble sleeping and getting comfortable because my bulging belly is in the way... Either that or Tyler kicks me until I move, ha ha. I'm getting awful heartburn after eating certain things, I was the same with Lilia, I hate it. I am addicted to fizzy drinks (mainly cola). I love the bubbles in my mouth and I know this is weird but I love burping after gulping some coke down, ha ha. I am so obsessed with coke I even scrubbed a frying pan with it (the pan was clean, didn't need cleaning at all) and then smelt my scrubbing brush for like an hour afterwards, ha ha. Oh pregnancy, you ain't 'alf weird! I am getting braxton hicks, not that often but I do get them. I didn't have any with Lilia (that I know of) and I didn't know what they were, but from what I am feeling - and thought was stretching pain - it sounds like it's braxton hicks. I constantly need a wee, but then that's nothing new from before this week, ha ha. I can't really think of much else to say because I have only just done an update for thirty weeks really, ha. So I'll leave it at that.. Oh, apart from I have bought Tyler the first babygro he will ever wear! Photo of it is below :}

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