Monday, 9 July 2012

Busy, busy bee!

So the next (less than) ten weeks are going to be so so busy. I wanted to get the house completely finished before little Tyler comes along, but I have just taken a relaxed approach to it all and it hasn't been done. It is completely my fault and I accept this, it's just that I am going to be so stressed in these upcoming weeks and I am not looking forward to it.
We have so much to do, and in so little time too. I get stressed just even thinking about how busy we are going to be. James has a new job, starting tomorrow, so he is going to be out of the house from very early on  in the morning until very late in the evening most days. Which means it's just going to be me and Lilia in the day time, making things extra hard to accomplish.. I don't know why, but Lilia hates being upstairs unless it's to sleep. She refuses to play quietly and constantly nags for my attention when we are upstairs, making it almost impossible to get anything finished.. And upstairs is really where we need to be.
I turned thirty weeks on Friday (I haven't forgotten about my update, I will add it tomorrow maybe but I am just so swamped at the mintue) so I have ten weeks until I am due, but I have a feeling I will go before. So that means we have less than ten weeks to finish off the house. To finish off the house we have got to :-

  • Empty the junk from the babies' room and paint the walls. The room is currently being used as storage space for the twelve dozen boxes I haven't unpacked yet, so even just the unpacking is going to be a huge job!
  • Move Lilia into the babies' room and get her settled in there.
  • Empty the junk from our bedroom and paint the walls. Again, our room has so many boxes and bags in there which I haven't unpacked yet it's unbelievable.
  • Get the moses basket from my mother's house, wash all the bedding, set it up in our bedroom.
  • Buy items, eg toiletries,  for me to pack in my hospital bag. Buy stuff for Tyler, eg nappies and babygrows, to pack in my hospital bag. Actually pack my hospital bag.
  • Actually start buying nappies, wipes, etc, to stock up on them. Also need a couple of outfits for Tyler. A blankie, maybe, and toiletries for bath time.
  • Sort the kitchen cupboards out, find a place for bottles (for when I pump).
  • Buy flooring edging and put it up downstairs.
  • Buy carpet for the actual stairs and landing and lay it.
  • Buy the floor splitter things (metal bars you put in doorways) and put them down.
  • Paint bathroom.
I'm not even sure if that is everything, that's just the stuff I can remember off the top of my head at the minute. So as you can imagine I am going to be SOOOO busy. Wish me luck, guys!

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