I am not feeling too good lately. Since yesterday I think. I was already constantly feeling tired but now I am feeling run down and just plain awful. I have a constant headache, I am always feeling dehydrated, I am feeling sick - sometimes so sick that I heave even when I cough, I have terrible bowel movements.. I was so worried it might be a sign that I am going into labour soon because I am constantly on the toilet. I just feel terrible and really want to be left alone to sleep all day. Of course that is impossible with Lilia around and no help during the day.
I am just getting so stressed over how much we have left to do before Tyler arrives and having to do everything while feeling like this is not fun at all. Poor Lilia is only doing little things wrong, like sitting in the way of me sweeping, and I am acting as if it's the end of the world! Usually I'd just ask her to move and if she doesn't I'd move her myself, but I am so stressed out and feeling so crappy that I find myself screaming at her. I feel so bad because I never shout at her, but I am just feeling so terrible I want to get all jobs over and done with so I can sit on the sofa. Even then she is crawling all over me and pushing on my stomach.
As soon as I shout at her I feel so bad, I can see her tear up and when she cries it breaks my heart knowing that she is crying because of me :( I cuddle her every time afterwards, the guilt just eats me up :(
But it is soo hard to be able to be everywhere and do everything while feeling so drained. I don't want to have a premature baby or anything, but I honestly cannot wait until I am not pregnant anymore. As soon as I have Tyler and my body is my own I am determined it is going to stay my own for a VERY long time!
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Saturday, 28 July 2012
33 weeks;
This week is pretty much the same as last. Only less pain in my back/legs, and more heartburn. The weather is so hot that it makes it even harder for me to sleep now. I've also noticed Tyler doesn't move as much in this weather as he does usually.I don't know if it is actually because of the weather, or just because he hasn't got much room left.. But he's definitely not moving as much. That's pretty much the only things I have to say on my pregnancy for this week:)
Friday, 27 July 2012
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Sun, sun, sun!
So I posted yesterday that Lilia and I were going to be making the most of the sun we are having, since we hardly ever get it. I promised photos of Lilia enjoying said sun, in her pool, etc.. Well, Lilia was NOT fussed on the pool. At all. I invited two of my friends up with their little girls, thinking it would be really nice for all three of them to get in the pool together and play outside.. Heck, even the mums could fit in the pool, too!
Well anyway, after all the effort it took James and his friend to blow up the pool (we don't have a pump and it is a biiig pool to blow up just using your breath - he and his friend both nearly passed out!), all the effort it took me to fill it (it took about fifteen minutes to fill since we don't have a hosepipe, we had to use the washing up bowl, the kettle, and Lilia's toy bucket), and all the kerfuffle it took to organise Lilia's little play mates to come over (my friends are both really lazy and though they promised they'd come over early, I had to nag them until TWO THIRTY PM!! For them to come round. So much for making a day of it, right!).. Lilia hated it.
She got in it at first, and she was a bit iffy. She just sat there for a while, but I brought her dummy out to her (she loves her dummy, it's so comforting to her) and she started to loosen up a little.. Then Lottie, my closest friends little girl, decided she was going to go absolutely mental in the pool. She crawled around EVERYWHERE, splashed Lilia and Amelia (the other baby), and screamed at them. We put Lilia's plastic balls in the pool, and Lottie just threw them everywhere. Amelia and Lilia both screamed to get out, and away from Lottie. Amelia's mum grabbed her straight away, but I was determined Lilia was going to make SOME use of the pool! So I sat in it with her and tried to play with her. She started to come round, and when she finally got off my lap, Lottie started going mental again. After about half an hour of me sitting in the pool trying to peel my screaming baby off of me, I gave up. I got out and wrapped Lilia in a towel for some cuddles instead. Amelia came 'round in the end, and she and Lottie played in the pool for about an hour, but Lilia refused to go back in.
After she had enough cuddles she decided she wanted to sit in a deck chair and watch chill out in the sun. So apologies for promising plenty of photos of Lilia in her pool and not delivering.. But I got one of her in the deck chair. That's okay, right? Ha ha!
James and I are going into town today, to pick up a birthday card for my Nan :) and for a nice little walk, to make the most of what will most probably be our only week of summer weather, ha ha. If you notice.. I said James and I. Yeah, he isn't in work. He quit. But that's another post for another day, when the weather is not so nice and all I can do is sit in the house and blog :P I will explain though, I promise!
Well anyway, after all the effort it took James and his friend to blow up the pool (we don't have a pump and it is a biiig pool to blow up just using your breath - he and his friend both nearly passed out!), all the effort it took me to fill it (it took about fifteen minutes to fill since we don't have a hosepipe, we had to use the washing up bowl, the kettle, and Lilia's toy bucket), and all the kerfuffle it took to organise Lilia's little play mates to come over (my friends are both really lazy and though they promised they'd come over early, I had to nag them until TWO THIRTY PM!! For them to come round. So much for making a day of it, right!).. Lilia hated it.
She got in it at first, and she was a bit iffy. She just sat there for a while, but I brought her dummy out to her (she loves her dummy, it's so comforting to her) and she started to loosen up a little.. Then Lottie, my closest friends little girl, decided she was going to go absolutely mental in the pool. She crawled around EVERYWHERE, splashed Lilia and Amelia (the other baby), and screamed at them. We put Lilia's plastic balls in the pool, and Lottie just threw them everywhere. Amelia and Lilia both screamed to get out, and away from Lottie. Amelia's mum grabbed her straight away, but I was determined Lilia was going to make SOME use of the pool! So I sat in it with her and tried to play with her. She started to come round, and when she finally got off my lap, Lottie started going mental again. After about half an hour of me sitting in the pool trying to peel my screaming baby off of me, I gave up. I got out and wrapped Lilia in a towel for some cuddles instead. Amelia came 'round in the end, and she and Lottie played in the pool for about an hour, but Lilia refused to go back in.
After she had enough cuddles she decided she wanted to sit in a deck chair and watch chill out in the sun. So apologies for promising plenty of photos of Lilia in her pool and not delivering.. But I got one of her in the deck chair. That's okay, right? Ha ha!
James and I are going into town today, to pick up a birthday card for my Nan :) and for a nice little walk, to make the most of what will most probably be our only week of summer weather, ha ha. If you notice.. I said James and I. Yeah, he isn't in work. He quit. But that's another post for another day, when the weather is not so nice and all I can do is sit in the house and blog :P I will explain though, I promise!
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Thirty two weeks;
So I'm going to make this post a short and sweet one. I wanna get it done out of the way fast because I owe you guys an update, but it is actually soo nice outside for once! I want to get out there in Lilia's new pool and make the most of this weird new thing in the sky called the sun. Not much is different to my last update anyway. But I promise there will be pictures of Lilia making the most of summer :D .
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Lilia loving on her little brother :) |
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Actually 32 weeks and 3 days in the photos. |
Okay, so not much is different compared to last week, like I mentioned above. I get majour heart burn, I am always hot and bothered, I get out of breath so easily.. I am so uncomfortable it is unbelievable. I don't think I was ever this uncomfy with Lilia, not even near the end. I hardly ever sleep, I can hardly even sit comfortably. It is torture, for sure. Other than that, oh and my new stretch marks ripping, nothing else is new or different compared to last week.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Twelve months;
So I decided that Lilia is long overdue a development update. I pulled my camera out to take a photo to go with the update, but Lilia wouldn't put her quavers down. She did do her cheesy smile for the camera, but you can see the crisps in her mouth and on her face, ha ha. She's so cute!
Anyways, Lilia pretty much eats anything and everything. She is learning to feed herself, she can put the spoon to her mouth but she hasn't really grasped the 'neat' concept yet, ha ha. She can stand up and walk whilst holding onto either furniture or hands, she tried to stand by herself on occasion but hasn't quite got the balance yet. I love that she is trying though, she'll definitely get it soon. She can shake her head 'no' and nod her head 'yes', and she also raises both hands and drops them when we tell her "all gone!" She also says "gone", "iya", "mum", "dad", "ta", "ta-ta", and she babbles to herself an awful lot. She has also got a VERY healthy set of lungs on her! She loves to scream, ha ha. She also waves hello and goodbye.
She loves her books, especially her lift the flap ones. She loves to open the flaps and babble to herself, pretending to read. She loves her cuddly little monkey called Coconut, and she loves playing with balls too. She is so independent and will sit there and play quietly on her own. She is crawling, and if I leave the room she usually crawls behind me and follows me into whatever room I go into and then plays in there. We have a TV cabinet, and she loves opening the doors and hiding everything in there ha ha.
She is definitely a Daddy's Girl, and it upsets me in a way but it makes me smile so much to see how much she adores James. She can give lovely open mouthed kisses, sometimes she even generously sticks her tongue in, and afterwards she says "aaah". She also rests her head on us, or cuddles us with her arms, and says "aah". She's such a cutie.
You know when Lilia is naughty because she is quiet. If we look at her she will stick her tongue out and smile angelically. She also sticks her tongue out when she's planning her mischief. She hardly ever listens to me when I tell her no, but whenever James tells her off she will pull the biggest puppy dog face ever with her bottom lip like 5cms in front and then cry. She also has a TERRIBLE temper, and will have a hissy fit over almost anything when she doesn't get her own way.
She isn't in her own room yet because we haven't painted it, I know - shame on us! But she sleeps in her own cot and is really good at it considering we never used any method at all to enforce this rule on her. When she is awake in her cot, she will lie there until she goes to sleep (usually). Sometimes, she will peep above the cot bumper and spy on James and I, then look away when she realises we're looking. It's the sweetest thing ever, but it is hard not to play with her back.
She usually has one nap a day and that's around 11:30am, but she gets tired in the afternoons too. It's just she refuses to sleep and I won't let her after 4pm. She usually goes to bed around 7ish, though sometimes she will be naughty and stay downstairs a bit longer (it's not really her being naughty, it's us, but still, haha).
She loves looking at herself, she shouts "iya!" at her reflection in the mirror, in glass, on the laptop, and she loves it when I put my webcam on and she can see herself on the screen.
She has eight teeth. Four top, four bottom. Well, four top and three and a half bottom, the fourth is just cutting through the gum.
She is on cows milk and has two bottles a day, sometimes three depending on how tired she is or how much she has eaten.
She is such a polite baby, says 'ta' when someone gives her something and 'ta' when she gives someone else something, to tell them to say ta too. It's adorable. She claps her hands and dances whenever music comes on, even if it is an advert on the TV. She will clap her hands if someone says "cap 'ands" or "yay!" or "clever!", and will dance if someone says "dance" and jigs about with her.
She had an accident the other week, which lead to me realising just how much of a little monkey she is! She can now climb up the bottom step of my stairs. She hasn't got the balance to sit on the thin step yet though, that's what lead to her accident. I had no idea she could do this until she hurt herself.
I can't really think of much else, but if you have any questions on something then fire away :)
Monday, 16 July 2012
Getting a move on..
So Lilia went up to James' mothers Saturday so that we could try and get stuff ready for the arrival of her little brother.. The plan was a fail, because we didn't get nearly as much done as we wanted to. James filled the walls in the babies' room, and I emptied all of the junk out of ours and sorted it all out. That's all we got done Saturday (James came back from his mothers at half past four! Maybe that's why!), and Lilia was staying overnight so I thought that maybe his parents could bring Lilia back to save us some time so we could get started with the painting or something.. The filler wasn't dry in their room, so I suggested we got started on the bathroom.. James then revealed to me that his parents weren't bringing Lilia back, they were expecting him to go and pick her up. This annoyed me so much, it was Sunday. We can't drive. The three buses he'd have to catch to get up there do not co-ordinate with each other, and end up with a twenty minute wait at the first stop, and then a fifty minute wait at the other stop! The time it would take to get up there would be about two and a half hours! Which meant we couldn't make the most of James' mother having Lilia and get stuff done. James' father came to pick him up in the end.. Which lead me to the question "why couldn't he just bring Lilia back?" Because I had a lot of washing to do yesterday, so I couldn't do the painting anyway. So I could have watched Lilia, right? Ugh. So anyway James went up there and ended coming home at five. Day wasted yet again. I am so annoyed with his parents, they know we can't drive and it takes a lot of time off our day to get up to their house, but they still wouldn't pick Lilia up. The whole point of them having her was for us to get a move on and at least START painting the babies' room ready to move her in! My mother offered to have her for the day Saturday, but not overnight, and I said no - thinking that James' mother said she'd have her overnight so it'd give us plenty more time.. How wrong I was. I should have said yes to my mother, she offered to pick Lilia up early morning from my house, and bring her back late evening. It would have given us more time in just that one day than James and I had all weekend!
Needless to say, I have learnt from my mistake! I have asked my mother to have her next Saturday so James and I can make a start painting the room.
At least we are trying to get a move on! ... Right? o.O
Needless to say, I have learnt from my mistake! I have asked my mother to have her next Saturday so James and I can make a start painting the room.
At least we are trying to get a move on! ... Right? o.O
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Thirty One Weeks;
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Still a crappy webcam photo at the minute, sorry guys! |
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Okay, so my thirty day challenge isn't going too well.. Lilia is ill and teething and James is being a pain in the ass corrupting my plans just to go to town and pick up some effing sponges for his work! Going to give up on the thirty day challenge I think. I am still going to get everything done that I was planning on getting done during the challenge, I just won't set days, etc. So yeah. I feel like a failure. But really if I get the shit done then it still counts.. Right? Ha ha.
My thirty one week post will be up tomorrow :)
My thirty one week post will be up tomorrow :)
Day Three Tasks;
So since I did different tasks for day two, I figured I would use the ones I have already posted about as my day three tasks. I got up earlier than Lilia this morning (usually I stay in bed until she wakes up because I am feeling soo tired all the time with this pregnancy) and I swept and mopped my floors and done any leftover dishes so that all of my daily jobs are done and I just have the tasks to concentrate on. So here are the tasks again..
Task One;
Empty the babies' cupboard in the living room and re-pack it. Leave spaces for nappies, etc, for Tyler as we haven't actually bought any yet!
Task Two;
Make use of Lilia's birthday present - her swing. Maybe watch a film together if there is time/anything on, and maybe do some drawing with her (she is a bit young for drawing but there is only a limited amount of activities I can do with Lilia being so heavily pregnant).
Task Three;
De-clutter windowsills and mantle piece. Give them a good wipe down.
Day Two.
Okay, so I have a confession.. It was such a nice day here yesterday that I decided I wanted to spend most of it being outside, since I'm usually cooped up in my house every day. It was so nice to get out of the house, but I felt bad if I didn't stick to day two.. So I decided I would change the tasks and use the original tasks I put up for day three instead.
So the things I changed were:-
One; Go shopping for Tyler. Buy him bits and bobs for when he is born or after.. Whatever I can carry.
Two; Take Lilia out for the day in the nice weather, maybe go to a park or a play area.
Three; I didn't really set anything as task three because I didn't know what time I would be home or what I would feel like doing.. When I got home my back was in pieces, and so was my leg (still is).. So I decided I'd just do the basics where it didn't involve me moving much.
The review...
So the things I changed were:-
One; Go shopping for Tyler. Buy him bits and bobs for when he is born or after.. Whatever I can carry.
Two; Take Lilia out for the day in the nice weather, maybe go to a park or a play area.
Three; I didn't really set anything as task three because I didn't know what time I would be home or what I would feel like doing.. When I got home my back was in pieces, and so was my leg (still is).. So I decided I'd just do the basics where it didn't involve me moving much.
The review...
Task One;
So I went shopping around the whole of town for Tyler. I managed to pick up a babygrow, which will be the first one he ever wears. It was £10!! But it's a Superbaby one and so cute, so I figured it was worth it. I bought two packs of pads for myself for when he is here, though I know I will definitely need more so I will probably pick some more up the next time I go shopping or to town, etc. I already have two boxes of breast pads, so I figured that would keep me going for a while and didn't buy any more. I also bought some dummies for him since they were on offer, and if he is anything like his sister he will love them, ha ha. And I bought a box of nappies and a four-pack of wetwipes. I wanted to buy more but couldn't carry them :( So I will probably pick up more wetwipes and maybe another box of nappies the next time I'm shopping. I have cotton wool here already :}. I feel good about the amount I bought considering it was just me and Lilia with the pram, and I bought other stuff too. All I need to get now for when he is born is toiletries for my hospital bag really. Feels good to be getting a bit organised now!
Task Two;
I invited my friend out to town with me, suggesting we do something with our little girls (they are only like two weeks apart, it's the friend I usually mention, ha ha) and she said we should go to a little play area in town... I met up with her, her boyfriend, and her daughter and we walked around town with the babies for a bit first. I asked when we were going to go to Once Upon A Playtime (the play area) and she replied with "I just need to go to Boots and Mothercare and then we will go." I agreed, and we went to those shops.. In Mothercare my friend found a trike for her little girl.. She bought it with a voucher and money her daughter had for her first birthday, and I said "where are you going to put it to take the babies to the play area?" The woman behind the desk offered to keep it in store until she had finished everything she needed to do in town.. But my friend said no! She wanted to carry it. Then when we left the shop, her boyfriend said "right, are we going up my mums then?" My friend yes, waved goodbye to me and left!! I was so annoyed, and to be honest I still am today. I just couldn't believe it, I won't be inviting her anywhere again in a hurry! Lilia isn't very confident on her own in the play area, and neither am I.. I don't like leaving the pram and stuff alone to go into the soft play with her unless they are very close by.. So we didn't go there. She had a day out in the nice weather though, and once we got home she was so glad. So I guess she had a nice day anyway, we also visited my parents.
Task Three;
I was aching so much when I got in I didn't feel like doing much, but the usual daily chores had to be done.. So I swept the floor, picked up Lilia's toys, cleared any dishes and washed them, took the recycling out ready to be collected in the morning, and wiped the kitchen surfaces. I decided I would wait to sweep the kitchen and to mop all of the floors until the morning because I was in pain. I felt I needed to do something else because I kind of felt like I cheated my third task by doing things I needed to do every day anyway.. So I folded all my laundry (usually I leave it until last minute, ha ha) and sorted out my ironing. I took the laundry upstairs (haven't put it away yet, typical!) and emptied the clutter out from the landing. I didn't really do much at all, but at least I did something I suppose!
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Day Two Tasks;
Task One;
Empty the babies' cupboard in the living room and re-pack it. Leave spaces for nappies, etc, for Tyler as we haven't actually bought any yet!
Task Two;
Make use of Lilia's birthday present - her swing. Maybe watch a film together if there is time/anything on, and maybe do some drawing with her (she is a bit young for drawing but there is only a limited amount of activities I can do with Lilia being so heavily pregnant).
Task Three;
De-clutter windowsills and mantle piece. Give them a good wipe down.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Day One.
So it's only day one, and I only just scraped by. I think it's because I left it so late to start my 'challenges', but I very nearly didn't have enough time to complete anything and relax before James got home from work. I don't like writing posts in front of him because he makes fun of me, ha ha, so I wasn't going to post until tomorrow morning, but luckily James has had to go out to get something for work and he will be a couple of hours.
The tasks weren't hard themselves, it was just hard to find time to do them as well as doing all my other daily tasks too. I think it's because I weren't at home over the weekend to do my usual tasks so they kind of just built up and there were twice as many and they all took twice as long as usual. But never mind, the main thing is I made it!
The tasks weren't hard themselves, it was just hard to find time to do them as well as doing all my other daily tasks too. I think it's because I weren't at home over the weekend to do my usual tasks so they kind of just built up and there were twice as many and they all took twice as long as usual. But never mind, the main thing is I made it!
Task One;
Task one was to empty the babies' kitchen cupboard and clean it.. Then to wash and sterilise the bottles I have bought for pumping so that James can feed Tyler too. Then to put them away in the cupboard.. Lilia and Tyler have to share a cupboard in the kitchen because there is just not enough space in our kitchen to spread them about. I took less than two minutes to empty the cupboard out and move some junk around that had just built up in there, eg an empty gift bag ha ha. It took even less time for me to clean the cupboard with antibacterial spray and a cloth.. But finding places to put everything took like five to ten minutes, ha ha ha. Luckily for me, Lilia was napping while I did everything so I had plenty of time to think things through first. I took the liberty of taking a before and after picture, just so you can see I actually did do something, ha ha. I know the cupboard still looks full and cluttered, but that is organised clutter.. I promise!
Task Two;
Task two was to go for a walk with Lilia, spend an hour playing with her, and read a book with her. I feel like such a horrible person, because this one was the one which I didn't complete. I played with her, read a book with her, but I didn't take her for a walk.. The reason behind this is my possible sciatica. My back has been playing up all day, same as my leg, and I just couldn't go for a walk. I did make up for it with lots and lots of cuddles, but I feel like I could have done more to spend time with my baby girl. Never mind, I had a lot of fun spending time with my Princess anyway :) I didn't get photos of Lilia with her book like I wanted, but I did manage to get a few cute snaps of her when we were having a tickle fight :} Sorry about the blurring, it is very hard to get her to keep still these days!
Task Three;
Task three was to CIF clean the draining board, wash and soak oven rings, and wash and soak drying rack. This was such an easy job and took like two seconds to clean everything, minus the soaking time of course. I didn't know what photo I could take for this task because you can't really pick up the difference in the drying rack or oven rings on my camera after the soaking. So I just snapped my draining board before and after. Pointless photo, I know, but I didn't want to leave a task without one, ha ha!
Thirty weeks;
So I'm actually thirty weeks and four days in the picture, but not much is new from my last update anyway.. Craving sweet stuff a lot, usually sending James down the shop to pick me up some chocolate and a bottle of coke (craving that too) ha ha. My appetite is actually going, James bought me two big bars of chocolate yesterday and I am still on my first one today even after sharing with James and Lilia - usually they'd both be gone within like an hour or two of James giving them to me, ha ha! I am still getting hot and bothered, feeling so uncomfortable and dehydrated constantly. Tyler moves a hell of a lot more than Lilia ever did, and he is extra active lately too. Last night I felt his little hand tickle me, ha ha. And the night before I swear he was doing somersaults inside me, it totally felt like he was rolling. Heartburn is more of a bitch now than it ever was before, I get it after eating even chocolate and it is soo annoying! My hormones are still soo scattered, and only seem to be getting worse. I am so much angrier/sadder with Tyler than I was when I was carrying Lilia. I honestly do not know how James puts up with me, because I'll be the first to admit that I've been horrible to him! I don't really feel as big as I was feeling last week, but I do notice that my belly gets in the way almost all the time now, even when I'm sitting down! Nothing much is happening apart from that, except for the stretch marks I have left over from Lilia are getting longer and thicker and have gone back to being purple after I spent ages rubbing creams and oils into my skin to make them fade! Ha ha. All worth it though, I am a tiger who has damn well earned her stripes! And another change is that I am suddenly becoming greasy and spotty! I was like this throughout my pregnancy with Lilia, but it is said that it is expected when carrying a girl. I suppose I did well to not get that spotty or greasy with Tyler up until now, what with the rise in hormones, etc, but it is SO annoying. I feel icky all the time and constantly nick Lilia's wetwipes through the day ha ha. I also ALWAYS have to brush my teeth. Every time I eat something I feel like they're dirty. But I don't mind because a weird habit of mine while pregnant (did the same with Lils) is brushing my teeth.. Feels sooo good. Ha ha! Weird, I know.. Another thing I forgot to mention is my back ache. I'm not sure if I have mentioned it before, but I get a really bad back off and on with this pregnancy.. It feels like there is a small rod in my lower back towards the right. Well, it's gotten worse as of yesterday. Now the pain has spread down to my toes. My legs ache and throb on and off, even when I'm lying down. It is so incredibly painful, and I even cried out in pain changing Lilia's nappy earlier today. Hurts to sit, lie down, walk, move, anything.. It is horrible :( My friend had it from her little girl lying on her nerves, and she now has sciatica, I have a feeling the same is going to happen to me. Though maybe not as bad, I haven't collapsed from mine yet but my friend collapsed from hers a few times.
Thirty day "challenge".
Every morning when Lilia and I wake up, she watches her programmes on the TV and I usually come on my laptop for a browse while we have breakfast. This morning I didn't really come on here, I cuddled Lilia and watched her programmes with her, and it was so nice to do.
It got me thinking; and everyone is doing these thirty day challenges. Whether it be to get a healthier lifestyle, to accomplish a bucket list, I've even seen one where she just took pictures of herself for thirty days.. So anyway, I decided I wanted to try it out. I figured it'd be a fun way for me to get things done, without rushing them but without putting them off too. I've decided my thirty day challenge is going to be about three things. Number one, is getting ready for Tyler - I decided I will do one thing a day (at least) which will help in getting ready for the arrival of our second baby. Number two, is quality time with Lilia - while I was cuddling her this morning I realised that I hadn't really thought of how having a new baby will affect Lilia's life. It is going to be such a big change to her life, she will have to share her parents and undoubtedly we'll be very very busy in the beginning. I realised that I should make the most of the time I have with just me and her, make sure she knows just how loved and special she is, regardless of there being a new baby. So I will do at least one activity with Lilia a day, and make sure we get plenty of mummy-daughter time. Number three, is cleaning the house - obviously I clean my house daily anyway, but that is only certain jobs such as sweeping and mopping and picking up the rubbish, etc. I have decided that on top of these jobs I will do an extra one that I don't do often, eg de-clutter surfaces or scrub the kitchen/bathroom sink with a toothbrush, etc. This will help me keep on top of the cleaning too, because although it's only little bits and bobs that are being done, you'd be surprised at how noticeable it is once they're complete.
I haven't mentioned yet that after clearing most of the junk out of the babies' bedroom yesterday, I found my camera lead! Yay! So I've decided that I'll add photos of each task in my thirty day challenge. It also means no more using my webcam for my pregnancy update photos! Woo :)
So every morning when I come on my laptop I will post what my tasks are for that day (or read my blog from the day before, depending on whether I decided on the next day tasks or not), and then later on in the day once my tasks are complete I will write another post saying so and explaining how it went. You don't have to read these posts, it is just something to occupy me while getting things done.. I figured its a bit more fun than just getting on with the day and getting ready for baby on my own :).
Day one will start today, and I will post the "challenges" below.. Oh, and I feel I should explain why I put the " things around the word challenge.. It's just because it's not really a challenge to spend time with your daughter, it's not really a challenge to keep your house clean - though it may feel like it sometimes, and it's not really a hard task to get little things ready for the arrival of your baby.. But these are my tasks for my thirty day challenge, so yeah :}
One - Empty the babies' cupboard in the kitchen. Wash the bottles I have bought for when pumping, sterilise them, and put them in the newly cleaned cupboard.
Two - Go for a walk with Lilia, spend an hour playing with her toys with her, read a story with her.
Three - Use kitchen cleaner on the draining board, wash oven rings and soak them, soak drying rack.
It got me thinking; and everyone is doing these thirty day challenges. Whether it be to get a healthier lifestyle, to accomplish a bucket list, I've even seen one where she just took pictures of herself for thirty days.. So anyway, I decided I wanted to try it out. I figured it'd be a fun way for me to get things done, without rushing them but without putting them off too. I've decided my thirty day challenge is going to be about three things. Number one, is getting ready for Tyler - I decided I will do one thing a day (at least) which will help in getting ready for the arrival of our second baby. Number two, is quality time with Lilia - while I was cuddling her this morning I realised that I hadn't really thought of how having a new baby will affect Lilia's life. It is going to be such a big change to her life, she will have to share her parents and undoubtedly we'll be very very busy in the beginning. I realised that I should make the most of the time I have with just me and her, make sure she knows just how loved and special she is, regardless of there being a new baby. So I will do at least one activity with Lilia a day, and make sure we get plenty of mummy-daughter time. Number three, is cleaning the house - obviously I clean my house daily anyway, but that is only certain jobs such as sweeping and mopping and picking up the rubbish, etc. I have decided that on top of these jobs I will do an extra one that I don't do often, eg de-clutter surfaces or scrub the kitchen/bathroom sink with a toothbrush, etc. This will help me keep on top of the cleaning too, because although it's only little bits and bobs that are being done, you'd be surprised at how noticeable it is once they're complete.
I haven't mentioned yet that after clearing most of the junk out of the babies' bedroom yesterday, I found my camera lead! Yay! So I've decided that I'll add photos of each task in my thirty day challenge. It also means no more using my webcam for my pregnancy update photos! Woo :)
So every morning when I come on my laptop I will post what my tasks are for that day (or read my blog from the day before, depending on whether I decided on the next day tasks or not), and then later on in the day once my tasks are complete I will write another post saying so and explaining how it went. You don't have to read these posts, it is just something to occupy me while getting things done.. I figured its a bit more fun than just getting on with the day and getting ready for baby on my own :).
Day one will start today, and I will post the "challenges" below.. Oh, and I feel I should explain why I put the " things around the word challenge.. It's just because it's not really a challenge to spend time with your daughter, it's not really a challenge to keep your house clean - though it may feel like it sometimes, and it's not really a hard task to get little things ready for the arrival of your baby.. But these are my tasks for my thirty day challenge, so yeah :}
One - Empty the babies' cupboard in the kitchen. Wash the bottles I have bought for when pumping, sterilise them, and put them in the newly cleaned cupboard.
Two - Go for a walk with Lilia, spend an hour playing with her toys with her, read a story with her.
Three - Use kitchen cleaner on the draining board, wash oven rings and soak them, soak drying rack.
Monday, 9 July 2012
Busy, busy bee!
So the next (less than) ten weeks are going to be so so busy. I wanted to get the house completely finished before little Tyler comes along, but I have just taken a relaxed approach to it all and it hasn't been done. It is completely my fault and I accept this, it's just that I am going to be so stressed in these upcoming weeks and I am not looking forward to it.
We have so much to do, and in so little time too. I get stressed just even thinking about how busy we are going to be. James has a new job, starting tomorrow, so he is going to be out of the house from very early on in the morning until very late in the evening most days. Which means it's just going to be me and Lilia in the day time, making things extra hard to accomplish.. I don't know why, but Lilia hates being upstairs unless it's to sleep. She refuses to play quietly and constantly nags for my attention when we are upstairs, making it almost impossible to get anything finished.. And upstairs is really where we need to be.
I turned thirty weeks on Friday (I haven't forgotten about my update, I will add it tomorrow maybe but I am just so swamped at the mintue) so I have ten weeks until I am due, but I have a feeling I will go before. So that means we have less than ten weeks to finish off the house. To finish off the house we have got to :-
We have so much to do, and in so little time too. I get stressed just even thinking about how busy we are going to be. James has a new job, starting tomorrow, so he is going to be out of the house from very early on in the morning until very late in the evening most days. Which means it's just going to be me and Lilia in the day time, making things extra hard to accomplish.. I don't know why, but Lilia hates being upstairs unless it's to sleep. She refuses to play quietly and constantly nags for my attention when we are upstairs, making it almost impossible to get anything finished.. And upstairs is really where we need to be.
I turned thirty weeks on Friday (I haven't forgotten about my update, I will add it tomorrow maybe but I am just so swamped at the mintue) so I have ten weeks until I am due, but I have a feeling I will go before. So that means we have less than ten weeks to finish off the house. To finish off the house we have got to :-
- Empty the junk from the babies' room and paint the walls. The room is currently being used as storage space for the twelve dozen boxes I haven't unpacked yet, so even just the unpacking is going to be a huge job!
- Move Lilia into the babies' room and get her settled in there.
- Empty the junk from our bedroom and paint the walls. Again, our room has so many boxes and bags in there which I haven't unpacked yet it's unbelievable.
- Get the moses basket from my mother's house, wash all the bedding, set it up in our bedroom.
- Buy items, eg toiletries, for me to pack in my hospital bag. Buy stuff for Tyler, eg nappies and babygrows, to pack in my hospital bag. Actually pack my hospital bag.
- Actually start buying nappies, wipes, etc, to stock up on them. Also need a couple of outfits for Tyler. A blankie, maybe, and toiletries for bath time.
- Sort the kitchen cupboards out, find a place for bottles (for when I pump).
- Buy flooring edging and put it up downstairs.
- Buy carpet for the actual stairs and landing and lay it.
- Buy the floor splitter things (metal bars you put in doorways) and put them down.
- Paint bathroom.
I'm not even sure if that is everything, that's just the stuff I can remember off the top of my head at the minute. So as you can imagine I am going to be SOOOO busy. Wish me luck, guys!
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
My antenatal appointment Saturday..
So I wasn't really going to write a post, nothing really happened. I just had my blood taken and the usual stuff - blood pressure, heartbeat, wee test.. The only thing they forgot to do was measure me, which is kinda annoying. But I'm curious of something...
I got told I have a slight trace of something in my wee, cannot for the life of me remember what - lucozades, glucosades, whatever it was - but I know that it means there is a slight trace of sugar in my urine. Which means I either had a large intake of sugar before weeing (I didn't, I had a glass of sugar free squash and that's it) or I am slightly dehydrated, or if it gets worse I could have diabetes.
I am thinking it's probably more on the lines of I was a bit dehydrated, but I have been dehydrated before and not heard of those things being in my urine.. So I guess the point of this post is me asking my readers if any of them have been told they have luco/glucozades in their wee? And if yes, what happened? I'm not really worrying about myself, I had my blood taken so if I had diabetes surely it'd show up in the tests? But I am just curious, ha ha.
I got told I have a slight trace of something in my wee, cannot for the life of me remember what - lucozades, glucosades, whatever it was - but I know that it means there is a slight trace of sugar in my urine. Which means I either had a large intake of sugar before weeing (I didn't, I had a glass of sugar free squash and that's it) or I am slightly dehydrated, or if it gets worse I could have diabetes.
I am thinking it's probably more on the lines of I was a bit dehydrated, but I have been dehydrated before and not heard of those things being in my urine.. So I guess the point of this post is me asking my readers if any of them have been told they have luco/glucozades in their wee? And if yes, what happened? I'm not really worrying about myself, I had my blood taken so if I had diabetes surely it'd show up in the tests? But I am just curious, ha ha.
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