First off, I'd like to mention that I won't be adding any more pictures to my blog. I do have a tinypic though, and I'm willing to share the links to photos if you ask and I know you well enough to trust you with photos of my daughter. I don't care if you don't understand, and I don't care if this makes me "fake". She's my daughter and I'd rather know whose looking at photos of her and be assumed a liar than everyone know I'm not lying and have anyone look at her photos.
I've actually said I'll add one more photo - photo of her with paper saying my blog, etc.. But obviously life's kinda busy at the moment. I'll take it when I have time to sit down and write on a piece of paper. But until then.. Just be patient, aha.
Anyways. The first week has been very hard and tiring, but I love being a mother. Lilia had some problems with her feeding and she lost more weight than she was meant to (up to 8% is average) and her jaundice wouldn't clear. The poor girl has been orange since she was born, only yesterday has it started going down. I was breast feeding but because of her trouble and her jaundice I've had to bottle feed to keep an eye on how much she has. It's kinda gutting in a way, because I really wanted to breast feed. But I'm glad I'm bottle feeding as well because at least now I can make sure my little girl isn't starving.
I've been feeding her formula, so my milk supply has basically nearly gone. Which is a shame because I wanted to feed her breast milk in a bottle.. The midwife said I can get it back with regular pumping, but the only time I have to pump is when Lilia's napping... Which is when I nap too. I can't survive without the naps at the moment, so sadly I haven't been able to get my milk supply back yet ;{ I am determined that I will though!
Monday, 27 June 2011
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
My labour and delivery..
I started having period pain on Thursday night, but it was mild so I didn’t think anything of it.. I've had mild period pain throughout the pregnancy due to the womb stretching. It was stronger than the period pain I'd previously had, but I just thought that was because I was at the end of my pregnancy. It woke me up throughout the night.
On Friday the pain got a bit worse, but it was constant and not rhythmical like contractions. I had my first sign of my mucus plug at around 11:30pm on Friday, it was only a tiny tiny dot of blood but I'd had bits every time I went to the toilet since.The period pains turned into contractions and started getting rhythmical sometime in the day, however they were very very mild. I didn’t sleep much Friday night because I was in too much pain.
On Saturday morning (early – at around 5-6am) my contractions were 6 minutes apart, but after that they started coming randomly and irregularly. Which really pissed me off to be honest, ha ha!
I went to town with my mother and then to antenatal clinic in the morning. The midwife told us to call if they got to unbearable and regular but I seemed to be managing fine at that moment in time, and she said I was really in control when I had a contraction because I breathed in and out and rocked back and forth.. She said most people just panic, ha ha! The baby was 3/5ths engaged at that appointment.
When we got home at around 1ish, I finally slept for 1-2hours in the afternoon, but the contractions were still irregular.. The closest were 2-3 minutes apart, and the furthest were 10 minutes apart, so yeah.. They were definitely irregular!
I somehow managed to cope with the pain right up until 11pm. But at that point the paracetemol was no longer taking the edge off, and I was so exhausted. So around 11ish I phoned the midwife and asked her to come out and see where I was at, etc.. My midwife Penny didn't come, but the one who came (named Penny too, aha) was the one who took my 28week bloods, and she is absolutely lovely. I nearly fainted and she was so nice, ha ha. She came to my house at around half 11. She told me that she didn't think I was in full blown labour and that she didn't see the need to examine me, but she still would if I wanted an idea of where I was at.. So I asked her to, and it turned out I was 4-5cms dilated! She was really shocked. I don't know if she was shocked because it had happened fast, or because I was coping so well or what..
Anyways, she gave me a TENS machine and told me that I should start to think about going in to the hospital if I wanted to have a hospital birth. She phoned the labour ward and told them to expect us soon. She explained that I was 4-5cms so she said there was no need for us to go to the maternity ward first.. We'd just go straight to the labour ward. She told me to have something to eat and to then go in, and there should be a delivery suite waiting for me.
I decided I wanted a bath first, so I had one and then my mother made herself, James, and I some toast and cups of tea. After the toast and halfway through my tea I really couldn’t cope with the pain any longer, so we went into the hospital. It was around 1 in the morning.
We got the labour ward and they sent us back to the maternity ward. We were there for half an hour, and all they did was bitch because I was meant to be straight in the labour ward haha. I was examined in the maternity ward and I was 6-7cms. The woman who examined me was NOT happy that I got sent away from the labour ward, haha. So she took us to the labour ward. We got told what delivery suite we were in, and she introduced herself proper as Lynne and told us she'd be staying with us because she was on night duty and she didn't think Julie (a midwife from my local team who was on call that night) would be needed. Soon after we got in the suite I was on gas and air as well as using the TENS machine. I was violently sick EVERYWHERE like an hour (give or take) into being in the delivery suite! It went all over the bed, pillow, floor.. Everywhere. So I went to the toilet and changed my nighty and Lynne had to change all the sheets, etc. Haha.
My labour kept on picking up and then slowing down due to my exhaustion. It was by then that I was too tired to waddle around and rock when I had a contraction (it's best to keep active, and it does really help) so I just lay in the bed from then on. I got told so many different times that the midwife expected the baby to come throughout the night – first she was expecting to deliver in the early morning, then lunch time, then late morning, etc.. It annoyed us all that the labour wasn't consistent. Poor Lynne must have put her apron and gloves on ready to deliver about four times since we got into the suite, ha ha!
At around 6 or 7 in the morning the midwife finished her shift and Penny, the midwife who examined me at home, was now on duty and she was assigned to watch over me. I was happy that she was going to be the one delivering my daughter because she's just so lovely..
Anyway, my waters broke a few hours later and I honestly didn’t realise that they did – Penny checked me over and said she thought my waters had finally broken, but I said it was probably just wee. (It honestly just felt like I weed myself at each contraction! It was the bad ones where I had the urge to push and couldn't control it, lol!)
Really soon after that I was (uncontrollably) pushing Lilia out. The midwife tried to tell me to stop as the head was crowning, she was screaming 'BREATHE!' at me and trying to hold her in! But i couldn’t control my own body so she was delivered completely in one. No head then pause then body, it was just a big shoot. The midwife had to catch her because she came out so fast, ha ha!
I was completely high off gas and air, for about the last two or three hours I had no clue what I was doing. And according to James and my mother I was slurring at every word and doing stupid actions instead of talking, ha ha.. Pretty much like I am when drunk then!
I had to have stitches as I had a second degree tear on both the left and the right side, but I was let out three hours after she arrived. It was horrible having a shower after she was born - the amount of blood is just ridiculous! I hate blood and it was just dripping out of me constantly. I had to sit on the shower floor and let my mum wash my hair and body, ha ha. I refused to even touch my private parts because they were so sore. And I was too afraid to wee. I think I had my first wee in the night, and it wasn't bad. It stung a bit but I was totally overreacting by refusing to wee , ha ha!
My labour was counted from 11pm Saturday until she was delivered at 8:45am on Sunday. I said I'd been in pain for much longer than that but apparently it wasn't established labour. Ugh, ha ha!
On Friday the pain got a bit worse, but it was constant and not rhythmical like contractions. I had my first sign of my mucus plug at around 11:30pm on Friday, it was only a tiny tiny dot of blood but I'd had bits every time I went to the toilet since.The period pains turned into contractions and started getting rhythmical sometime in the day, however they were very very mild. I didn’t sleep much Friday night because I was in too much pain.
On Saturday morning (early – at around 5-6am) my contractions were 6 minutes apart, but after that they started coming randomly and irregularly. Which really pissed me off to be honest, ha ha!
I went to town with my mother and then to antenatal clinic in the morning. The midwife told us to call if they got to unbearable and regular but I seemed to be managing fine at that moment in time, and she said I was really in control when I had a contraction because I breathed in and out and rocked back and forth.. She said most people just panic, ha ha! The baby was 3/5ths engaged at that appointment.
When we got home at around 1ish, I finally slept for 1-2hours in the afternoon, but the contractions were still irregular.. The closest were 2-3 minutes apart, and the furthest were 10 minutes apart, so yeah.. They were definitely irregular!
I somehow managed to cope with the pain right up until 11pm. But at that point the paracetemol was no longer taking the edge off, and I was so exhausted. So around 11ish I phoned the midwife and asked her to come out and see where I was at, etc.. My midwife Penny didn't come, but the one who came (named Penny too, aha) was the one who took my 28week bloods, and she is absolutely lovely. I nearly fainted and she was so nice, ha ha. She came to my house at around half 11. She told me that she didn't think I was in full blown labour and that she didn't see the need to examine me, but she still would if I wanted an idea of where I was at.. So I asked her to, and it turned out I was 4-5cms dilated! She was really shocked. I don't know if she was shocked because it had happened fast, or because I was coping so well or what..
Anyways, she gave me a TENS machine and told me that I should start to think about going in to the hospital if I wanted to have a hospital birth. She phoned the labour ward and told them to expect us soon. She explained that I was 4-5cms so she said there was no need for us to go to the maternity ward first.. We'd just go straight to the labour ward. She told me to have something to eat and to then go in, and there should be a delivery suite waiting for me.
I decided I wanted a bath first, so I had one and then my mother made herself, James, and I some toast and cups of tea. After the toast and halfway through my tea I really couldn’t cope with the pain any longer, so we went into the hospital. It was around 1 in the morning.
We got the labour ward and they sent us back to the maternity ward. We were there for half an hour, and all they did was bitch because I was meant to be straight in the labour ward haha. I was examined in the maternity ward and I was 6-7cms. The woman who examined me was NOT happy that I got sent away from the labour ward, haha. So she took us to the labour ward. We got told what delivery suite we were in, and she introduced herself proper as Lynne and told us she'd be staying with us because she was on night duty and she didn't think Julie (a midwife from my local team who was on call that night) would be needed. Soon after we got in the suite I was on gas and air as well as using the TENS machine. I was violently sick EVERYWHERE like an hour (give or take) into being in the delivery suite! It went all over the bed, pillow, floor.. Everywhere. So I went to the toilet and changed my nighty and Lynne had to change all the sheets, etc. Haha.
My labour kept on picking up and then slowing down due to my exhaustion. It was by then that I was too tired to waddle around and rock when I had a contraction (it's best to keep active, and it does really help) so I just lay in the bed from then on. I got told so many different times that the midwife expected the baby to come throughout the night – first she was expecting to deliver in the early morning, then lunch time, then late morning, etc.. It annoyed us all that the labour wasn't consistent. Poor Lynne must have put her apron and gloves on ready to deliver about four times since we got into the suite, ha ha!
At around 6 or 7 in the morning the midwife finished her shift and Penny, the midwife who examined me at home, was now on duty and she was assigned to watch over me. I was happy that she was going to be the one delivering my daughter because she's just so lovely..
Anyway, my waters broke a few hours later and I honestly didn’t realise that they did – Penny checked me over and said she thought my waters had finally broken, but I said it was probably just wee. (It honestly just felt like I weed myself at each contraction! It was the bad ones where I had the urge to push and couldn't control it, lol!)
Really soon after that I was (uncontrollably) pushing Lilia out. The midwife tried to tell me to stop as the head was crowning, she was screaming 'BREATHE!' at me and trying to hold her in! But i couldn’t control my own body so she was delivered completely in one. No head then pause then body, it was just a big shoot. The midwife had to catch her because she came out so fast, ha ha!
I was completely high off gas and air, for about the last two or three hours I had no clue what I was doing. And according to James and my mother I was slurring at every word and doing stupid actions instead of talking, ha ha.. Pretty much like I am when drunk then!
I had to have stitches as I had a second degree tear on both the left and the right side, but I was let out three hours after she arrived. It was horrible having a shower after she was born - the amount of blood is just ridiculous! I hate blood and it was just dripping out of me constantly. I had to sit on the shower floor and let my mum wash my hair and body, ha ha. I refused to even touch my private parts because they were so sore. And I was too afraid to wee. I think I had my first wee in the night, and it wasn't bad. It stung a bit but I was totally overreacting by refusing to wee , ha ha!
My labour was counted from 11pm Saturday until she was delivered at 8:45am on Sunday. I said I'd been in pain for much longer than that but apparently it wasn't established labour. Ugh, ha ha!
Birth announcement!
Born on Sunday 19th June (Fathers Day).
7lb 11 1/2oz.
Established labour was for 9 hours and 45 minutes.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Exciting news!
Well it looks like it won't be long for me now!
I had antenatal this morning and she confirmed that the pain I'm feeling is, in fact, CONTRACTIONS! They're just irregular so I'm the early stages of labour, but it's something!
I didn't sleep all last night because of the pain, they were regular and 6 minutes apart until like 6am, then they've just become messed up.
I got told to phone the midwife when I'm not coping well or when they get regular, but apparently I'm doing really well! Which is good, because I bloody hate pain!
I'll explain more about it when I have more time and I don't have to keep getting up to rock back and forth with each pain, aha... Hopefully that will be when baby's here!
Predictions are she'll come early Sunday (by my family, lol) :D!
She's 3/5ths engaged so far:) I just wish my pain would get worse and regular so I could get it over and done with, it's quite horrible having it drag on considering I've been having some form of pain since Thursday!
And be warned. All they say is take paracetemol. It does NOT work. I didn't want to take it until the pain got worse, but my back was hurting so bad I couldn't walk and I needed to walk to deal with the contractions, so I took some. My back ache and headache went, but the contractions remained the same! Haha.
I had antenatal this morning and she confirmed that the pain I'm feeling is, in fact, CONTRACTIONS! They're just irregular so I'm the early stages of labour, but it's something!
I didn't sleep all last night because of the pain, they were regular and 6 minutes apart until like 6am, then they've just become messed up.
I got told to phone the midwife when I'm not coping well or when they get regular, but apparently I'm doing really well! Which is good, because I bloody hate pain!
I'll explain more about it when I have more time and I don't have to keep getting up to rock back and forth with each pain, aha... Hopefully that will be when baby's here!
Predictions are she'll come early Sunday (by my family, lol) :D!
She's 3/5ths engaged so far:) I just wish my pain would get worse and regular so I could get it over and done with, it's quite horrible having it drag on considering I've been having some form of pain since Thursday!
And be warned. All they say is take paracetemol. It does NOT work. I didn't want to take it until the pain got worse, but my back was hurting so bad I couldn't walk and I needed to walk to deal with the contractions, so I took some. My back ache and headache went, but the contractions remained the same! Haha.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
My parents have told me I have to start paying rent once the baby's born. I said 'with what income?'.. So they told me to claim for income support. I don't have time at the moment so I'll be claiming for it when Lilia's here. I feel really judged claiming benefits, because I claimed the £500 as well to put in a savings account for the baby. I don't know, I know there's nothing wrong with claiming for them if you need them - and to live with my mum, I DO need them - and I'm going to claim them no matter what my friends think.. I just feel a bit judged telling them, :/
Eight days and counting!
I'm tired, thirsty, I have a massive headache, I'm hungry, I'm strained, I'm uncomfortable, I'm sweaty, I'm windy, I get awful heartburn, my ribs are battered, I constantly have pins and needles or numb limbs..
Yup, I'm definitely nearly 39 weeks pregnant! I just want her out now. I can't wait for a cuddle.
Yup, I'm definitely nearly 39 weeks pregnant! I just want her out now. I can't wait for a cuddle.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
38 weeks and 5 days!
I've been told to sit down and rest and that I'm not allowed to help with the moving of furniture, etc.. So I decided I'd take a photo of my bump and mess around online. I wasn't going to upload it, but I'm basically not allowed to leave my seat so I'm really really bored. This picture does my stretch marks a lot of justice, believe me. So yeah, that's the bump at the moment :) Won't be there for much longer though! (Or I hope, ha)
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
James and I have broken up. It was my decision and James did nothing wrong. He's still going to be there for his daughter, but we're just not together. I'm not going to tell you why we broke up, it's none of your business. But it wasn't a bad break-up, we're still friends and honestly I don't know why. It was completely my fault, but he's still continuing to be the great guy that he is.
Anyway, I'm not going into any more detail than that. If you know me well enough then of course I'd love someone to talk about it with me, but I'm not going to post it openly for everyone to see and judge, etc..
The reason why I'm going to be so busy is because I'm moving back in with my parents. James said I could stay at his bungalow for a while because it's only ten days until my due date, but really I just feel so awkward there now. Not because of James, I mean we're still talking fine.. But because that was going to be our family home, and now it's not.. So yeah. My parents, friends, and even James, are all rushing around after me to help me get all my stuff as well as Lilia's back into my parents house.
They have a lodger, so Lilia hasn't got a room of her own now but that's okay. She's going to be sharing with me when she's little anyway, and by the time I feel like she needs her own room hopefully we'll be moved out. But yeah. That's the reason behind me not being able to take photos for you guys.
Expect less updates too. At least until I'm settled back in my parents house. It shouldn't take too long as I have loads of people helping me and they're doing a really great job. Maybe I'll be moved in completely next week sometime. That's what I hope anyway!
Thanks for understanding.
Anyway, I'm not going into any more detail than that. If you know me well enough then of course I'd love someone to talk about it with me, but I'm not going to post it openly for everyone to see and judge, etc..
The reason why I'm going to be so busy is because I'm moving back in with my parents. James said I could stay at his bungalow for a while because it's only ten days until my due date, but really I just feel so awkward there now. Not because of James, I mean we're still talking fine.. But because that was going to be our family home, and now it's not.. So yeah. My parents, friends, and even James, are all rushing around after me to help me get all my stuff as well as Lilia's back into my parents house.
They have a lodger, so Lilia hasn't got a room of her own now but that's okay. She's going to be sharing with me when she's little anyway, and by the time I feel like she needs her own room hopefully we'll be moved out. But yeah. That's the reason behind me not being able to take photos for you guys.
Expect less updates too. At least until I'm settled back in my parents house. It shouldn't take too long as I have loads of people helping me and they're doing a really great job. Maybe I'll be moved in completely next week sometime. That's what I hope anyway!
Thanks for understanding.
I'm really sorry..
If any of you have noticed.. I've deleted my promised photos post.
I'm really sorry, but I don't think I'm going to be able to take the photos for a while, or even at all.
There's just been a lot happening in my life (next blog will explain) and I don't have time to run around taking photos. I have a lot of stuff which I now need to do before Lilia gets here, and I'm in a rush already. There's jsut ten days until my due date and it's as if I've had to start my preparation all over again.
It's something that can't be helped. And I know I've broken promises now..
I'm really sorry, but I don't think I'm going to be able to take the photos for a while, or even at all.
There's just been a lot happening in my life (next blog will explain) and I don't have time to run around taking photos. I have a lot of stuff which I now need to do before Lilia gets here, and I'm in a rush already. There's jsut ten days until my due date and it's as if I've had to start my preparation all over again.
It's something that can't be helped. And I know I've broken promises now..
Monday, 13 June 2011
Pregnancy is NOT sexy.
So I was browsing through baby centre, and I came across a post in the June 2011 group which I'm a part of..
I couldn't stop giggling at it, I literally nearly wet myself. I thought it was so funny and so true that I just had to re-post it here!
So this is the post:
I'm 38 weeks pregnant now and I just want this baby out! I really had a feeling that LO was going to come early, but so far I've had nothing. I get excited with every little pain I get. It's like.. Me and my OH are sitting there and all of a sudden I get stomach pains. I get really excited and scream to him that this is it, but he just sits there and tells me I'm overreacting. I create and make a fuss for a good few minutes before I finally manage to convince him that something is happening and I'm going into labour! .... But then... I fart. And the pain is gone. That's it. A FART. It happens all the freaking time now that I'm so afraid that I'll go into labour and just brush it off as more wind! OH says I'm really not attractive being pregnant; all I do is burp, fart, and poop.. Can anyone relate?
You have no idea how funny this is, because it's actually SO me! All the people who pretend to be mums on Stardoll (and other sites) just act like pregnancy is a total bliss. Nothing to it. But really, it is filled with wind and toilet trips! Like you wouldn't believe. Especially now since I'm near the end the wind has gotten worse and I always need to go to the toilet for number twos! Ha ha. Sorry if that's TMI for you guys, but it's so true. I loved that post so much I saved it to show James, and I copied and pasted it to my Facebook to show people, ha ha ha! Amazing.
(Btw, OH means other half, if you didn't know. On babycentre loads of abbreviations are used and most of the time I don't know what they mean ha ha. But OH and LO [little one] I get!)
The amount of women who commented on this post saying they're exactly the same is unbelievable. Obviously second time mothers don't think they're going into labour with every fart, but they say that the wind is almost unbearable, ha ha.
I couldn't stop giggling at it, I literally nearly wet myself. I thought it was so funny and so true that I just had to re-post it here!
So this is the post:
I'm 38 weeks pregnant now and I just want this baby out! I really had a feeling that LO was going to come early, but so far I've had nothing. I get excited with every little pain I get. It's like.. Me and my OH are sitting there and all of a sudden I get stomach pains. I get really excited and scream to him that this is it, but he just sits there and tells me I'm overreacting. I create and make a fuss for a good few minutes before I finally manage to convince him that something is happening and I'm going into labour! .... But then... I fart. And the pain is gone. That's it. A FART. It happens all the freaking time now that I'm so afraid that I'll go into labour and just brush it off as more wind! OH says I'm really not attractive being pregnant; all I do is burp, fart, and poop.. Can anyone relate?
You have no idea how funny this is, because it's actually SO me! All the people who pretend to be mums on Stardoll (and other sites) just act like pregnancy is a total bliss. Nothing to it. But really, it is filled with wind and toilet trips! Like you wouldn't believe. Especially now since I'm near the end the wind has gotten worse and I always need to go to the toilet for number twos! Ha ha. Sorry if that's TMI for you guys, but it's so true. I loved that post so much I saved it to show James, and I copied and pasted it to my Facebook to show people, ha ha ha! Amazing.
(Btw, OH means other half, if you didn't know. On babycentre loads of abbreviations are used and most of the time I don't know what they mean ha ha. But OH and LO [little one] I get!)
The amount of women who commented on this post saying they're exactly the same is unbelievable. Obviously second time mothers don't think they're going into labour with every fart, but they say that the wind is almost unbearable, ha ha.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Maybe I'm not going to pop any time soon, then..
I honestly thought I might go into labour early, which meant any time now. But now I don't think so.
I've had like, no signs at all that I'm going to give birth soon and it's actually quite depressing. I just want to meet my cute little bundle of poop now! My bump has dropped a little bit, but it hasn't dropped any further from when I took the photo I previously posted up here. I've had no show and hardly any period pains.
I have however had hardly any sleep the past two nights. I wake up either too hot, with really bad heartburn, or I just wake up. It's getting pretty annoying.
I know a girl who is due about a week and a half after me, she's dropped so much and is having loads of pains and everything. I really think she'll go before me. It makes me jealous, ha ha. I really wish I'd have some signs or something! I just want a cuddle with my Princess!
I've had like, no signs at all that I'm going to give birth soon and it's actually quite depressing. I just want to meet my cute little bundle of poop now! My bump has dropped a little bit, but it hasn't dropped any further from when I took the photo I previously posted up here. I've had no show and hardly any period pains.
I have however had hardly any sleep the past two nights. I wake up either too hot, with really bad heartburn, or I just wake up. It's getting pretty annoying.
I know a girl who is due about a week and a half after me, she's dropped so much and is having loads of pains and everything. I really think she'll go before me. It makes me jealous, ha ha. I really wish I'd have some signs or something! I just want a cuddle with my Princess!
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Still no baby..
I turn 38 weeks tomorrow, and still no baby! I've been expecting her to come any time since 37 weeks now! I know I shouldn't be pissed that she's not here yet, it's not my due date for another 2 weeks afterall, but I am. I guess I just assumed that she was going to come early because that's what usually happens with teen pregnancies.. Ha ha. Bad assumption, I know.
I have an antenatal appointment next week. So until then I'm just doing whatever I can to try and encourage her out! I've been taking raspberry leaf tea capsules, and tonight I'm planning on having a curry :D! It's not going to be a spicy one, but atleast it's a curry! Ha ha. Then on the weekend James is cooking enchiladas for me, which are spiiicy! :D I was hoping to go on walks and stuff, but my feet are swollen and sore so I can't really.
I'm hoping to blow up my exercise ball soon so I can start bouncing on that. It encourages baby to engage, and she wasn't engaged at all at my last appointment so I hope she's either started engaging now or she will soon.
Anyways! I'm cooking some potato waffles right now and they're done, just waiting for some melted cheese :) Woo! Ha ha.
I have an antenatal appointment next week. So until then I'm just doing whatever I can to try and encourage her out! I've been taking raspberry leaf tea capsules, and tonight I'm planning on having a curry :D! It's not going to be a spicy one, but atleast it's a curry! Ha ha. Then on the weekend James is cooking enchiladas for me, which are spiiicy! :D I was hoping to go on walks and stuff, but my feet are swollen and sore so I can't really.
I'm hoping to blow up my exercise ball soon so I can start bouncing on that. It encourages baby to engage, and she wasn't engaged at all at my last appointment so I hope she's either started engaging now or she will soon.
Anyways! I'm cooking some potato waffles right now and they're done, just waiting for some melted cheese :) Woo! Ha ha.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
A much needed update!
I haven't posted a bump photo in a while, and it's changed a lot recently so I thought I'd upload one today to compare to my other ones. It looks a lot smaller now than it used to, but that's because it's dropped. You can tell by the big bulge at the bottom of my stomach that I've dropped a lot, ha ha. Plus the top of my stomach is nearly flat! You can see all of my stretch marks in this photo as well, yuck! Well. I say all of my stretch marks.. Really that's hardly any of them, and they actually look good in that photo compared to what they do in real life..
Not much is really happening to be honest. Apart from the fact that I've dropped, I need a pee every two minutes, and my bowels are acting up (sorry, tmi I know).. I've got a really bad back and I get like twinges up my hoo-ha. But that's all that's really happening. Nothing exciting, I know.
But yeah.. That up there is my bump at 37 weeks and 4 days :D !
Monday, 6 June 2011
What's your opinion on cats being let out to prowl at night? I personally don't think it's right. I mean, dogs are kept in all night so why aren't cats? It's too dark for them to be noticed in time for cars to stop, etc, and anything could happen. I read on daily mail online about a neighbourhood where the cats are getting poisoned and stuff if they're left out at night.. It completely sickened me.
Anyway, it's 1:20am and I have just been woken up by the sound of a cat screeching as if its in pain. I went to check but I couldn't see anything. I felt so bad for the cat.. I know they like to be outside and stuff, but surely owners should care too much about the safety of their cats to let them roam around at this time? If I had a cat I'd let it out in the day but try to keep it in at night. Is that a harsh thing to think?
Anyway, it's 1:20am and I have just been woken up by the sound of a cat screeching as if its in pain. I went to check but I couldn't see anything. I felt so bad for the cat.. I know they like to be outside and stuff, but surely owners should care too much about the safety of their cats to let them roam around at this time? If I had a cat I'd let it out in the day but try to keep it in at night. Is that a harsh thing to think?
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Haircut and home visit.
I had my hair cut off! It's now a really short bob! My mother loves it, she says it really suits me, but I'm not sure. I think it's because it's such a drastic change for me.. But anyway, I'm just glad it's cut! It feels so much lighter and it's going to be so much easier with the baby.
My home visit really wasn't that exciting. I thought it was going to be so much better than it was. She turned up over half an hour late, and didn't really chat about the labour. She basically told me everything I needed to know about pain relief, what will happen, what's recommended, etc, and that was it. The only thing she asked me was where I want to deliver and if I had any further questions. So I asked her why we hadn't written out a proper plan and stuff.. She said because so many women change their mind when they're actually in labour and things don't always go as planned they don't do it anymore. She said it's better if we just have an idea because nothing can ever be definate and they don't want us to think that it is.. So I thought fair enough.
We did the heartbeat and measured me and I'm measuring exactly what I should be and her heartbeat is nice and healthy :) As soon as Penny (my midwife) put the doppler on my stomach Lilia moved away and tried to punch it, ha ha!
She's head down and really low, but she's not engaged yet. I was quite disappointed with that to be honest, because I honestly thought she was going to at least be 1/5 engaged, ha! It upset me :')
Oh well.. Three weeks left!
My home visit really wasn't that exciting. I thought it was going to be so much better than it was. She turned up over half an hour late, and didn't really chat about the labour. She basically told me everything I needed to know about pain relief, what will happen, what's recommended, etc, and that was it. The only thing she asked me was where I want to deliver and if I had any further questions. So I asked her why we hadn't written out a proper plan and stuff.. She said because so many women change their mind when they're actually in labour and things don't always go as planned they don't do it anymore. She said it's better if we just have an idea because nothing can ever be definate and they don't want us to think that it is.. So I thought fair enough.
We did the heartbeat and measured me and I'm measuring exactly what I should be and her heartbeat is nice and healthy :) As soon as Penny (my midwife) put the doppler on my stomach Lilia moved away and tried to punch it, ha ha!
She's head down and really low, but she's not engaged yet. I was quite disappointed with that to be honest, because I honestly thought she was going to at least be 1/5 engaged, ha! It upset me :')
Oh well.. Three weeks left!
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