Wednesday, 20 April 2011


I thought I'd share my scan photos with you. I had 3 scan pictures for each time, and they're the only two scans I'm getting. Here's the best pictures from each scan and what happened (in case you are not a mother, or it's different where you come from)

11 weeks & 5 days.

I had this scan a day earlier than when I was meant to have it, because I was in hospital with dehydration. I had to have the scan as soon as I had enough strength to walk again just to make sure that the baby was okay and that there was only one in there! The picture wasn't very clear for this scan because my bladder wasn't full enough due to the dehydration. The ultrasound took around 5-10 minutes, the woman checked that things were developed and how big the baby was, etc. She told me that my due date was 24th June, and that I was 11 weeks and 5 days along. This was annoying, because we thought I was due 12th June and that the morning sickness should be stopping now - but we got told that the morning sickness could still last around 2 weeks! Majour bummer. And it's two weeks longer til we meet our baby, not fun! James didn't come to this scan because I was in hospital and he was in work, plus we didn't know when we'd be having the scan so I couldn't just expect him to drop everything. But my mother came to the scan and stayed with me almost all the time from when I was admitted into hospital in the morning until 9pm when visiting time ends. My mother's comment in the scan was "oh, it looks like ET!" Thanks mum. My dad turned up at half past 9 and managed to sweet talk the nurses into letting him stay for a bit. He only stayed til around 10 but he brought me starbursts and revels and flavoured water (I hate plain water unless its bottled, and tap water was all I was given in hospital). He gave me a lecture on how I should drink loads to prevent dehydration again and was adiment that it was my fault and not the morning sickness! But he did say he was proud of me for having the drip - I'm absolutely petrified of needles because of something that happened when I was a baby. I don't remember it but apparently I don't need to remember it for it to cause the fear, so whatever ha. He said the baby looks big in the scan :) When I got home the next afternoon and showed people, they said "oh, it's a boy then?!" I don't know how they thought it was a boy, but almost everyone did! Even James and I did. The only person who thought it was a girl was my mother ha ha :) James had a copy of the three scan pictures and he kept them in his wallet :) They're still in there now, he just doesn't use his wallet anymore, ha. We had one picture for free because it's our first scan, then we had to pay £3 each for the other two pictures :)

19 weeks & 5 days

This one lasted for a long time. My mum and James came with me. The woman told us that the baby was lying right across my belly button, and she checked that everything was developed. She asked if we wanted to know the gender, and we said yes. She said she'd tell us at the end of the scan. When she was doing her checks, me and my mother saw that the baby was a girl. I didn't realise what I saw because I've never been to an ultrasound before, but my mother smiled and looked straight at me. James didn't notice it, he was just engrossed in the screen. All the checks took around half an hour, but the woman couldn't check her heart because she was refusing to move into a better position. So we got told to go for a walk or have something to eat (it was around lunch time) and then come back. Before we left she told us that she thinks it's a girl. We went to the cafe in the hospital and had some lunch and told everyone that we're having a girl. Then we went back into the scan area and waited until the woman was free to check the baby's heart. She still wasn't in the right position, but she moved when we shook my stomach this time. As soon as the woman put the stick thing (I have no idea what it's called) onto my stomach and we could see her again, she started trying to punch it away. Ha ha ha! The woman checked her heart and we were told that everything is normal :) James then went home to tell his family that it's a girl, and I went to work. We had to buy all of the pictures, it cost £9 in total cos one picture is £3 :) My mum bought them for me :D

I wish we could have another scan, I miss seeing my little princess ha ha! But we only get two unless there's problems, and everything is fine with us. So yeah. That's how my two scans went :)

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