Okay, so I know I haven't posted a proper post in a very long time! But that's all going to change, I hope! I want to get back to normal with my blogging, and blog at least once a week if I can. I will try to blog every other day, but obviously that depends on whether something actually happens in my life!
So because I'm going to start updating you all more often, I thought a MAJOR update of my life, Lilia's life, Lilia's development, etc, was needed! So here we go;
I pretty much updated you all with what was going on in my post below this one.. She's going to start solids next week, she's in her cot (or i'm trying to get her into it!) and she's nearly five months (she will be twenty weeks - which is five months - on the Sunday coming). She's in size three nappies and she has 7oz of hungrier baby milk. She doesn't need to be put up yet, she sometimes doesn't have a whole seven, but she gets hungry before her next feed is due (she usually goes 4hourly but she's been going 3-4hourly mostly now - she went two hourly last night!) and gets unsettled unless she has a top up. I think milk fills her enough at the start, but it's kinda like a salad.. It fills you up at the time, but you're hungry again later anyway!
She is such a good baby, in all aspects of babyhood (lol - I struggled for a better word!). She is pleasant with every person she meets, she's always smiling and laughing, she will be quiet through most things, she's happy to sit in her bouncer and entertain herself for an hour (though she does get bored as she cannot reach out and grab things intentionally yet. She is teething and loves to chew on my finger! I can't really think of much else that I should update you all on - it feels like nothing has changed at all since I last posted, though I know probably EVERYTHING has.
So nothing exciting ever happens in my life - apart from all of Lilia's milestones, of course. I don't have much of an update for you guys on myself. I don't tend to take notes or anything. I find I'm letting my own life pass by me and I don't pay attention, because I would rather watch Lilia's life change every second. I should really concentrate on the both of us rather than just her. Because I know I'll let everything go if I just watch my daughter. I need to watch my own back too.
But anyways, I went out for that coffee with James. He was already waiting there for me with my favourite frappucino and a slice of cake. He fussed Lilia for around two hours, right up until she fell asleep. Then it was the time I dreaded - time for us to talk.. I was so wrong, it actually wasn't that bad. We got along, and he made me laugh. We now talk a lot, and it's not just about Lilia. We see eachother often and it's really great spending time as a family, even if we aren't properly together.
Yeah. James and I aren't together. We're flirting a lot, but nothing has come off it. He hasn't asked me and I won't give in and ask him myself. But I do think we should give it another try. Not just for Lilia's sake, but for ours too.
Other than that, nothing has really happened at all. I got called a slut for kissing two guys in the whole (almost) five months that my daughter has been born. By my 'best friend' who has cheated numerous times, and doesn't even know who the father to her newborn son is. Yeah, for those of you who didn't know why James and I broke up - I kissed a guy. Well, a guy kissed me. And it messed my head up. I didn't want anything to do with that guy, but I didn't regret kissing him. I didn't feel bad because of James for one second. I didn't push Ferdinand (the guy) off me, and I didn't intend to either. I don't know. I broke up with James because I thought that if I could let a guy kiss me and not even think about what James would say, or even what I was doing to him, etc, then I couldn't have loved him. But I did love him. Still do. Always will. I just learnt that the hard way.