Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Okay, so I was eight days off my due date. I don't know how, because I have always used protection up until December 23rd, and that should have made my due date the 28th. Anyway, I had an internal scan due to pains (I admit, I lied just to get a scan ha ha:P) and I am due September 20th :D I will add the picture when I find out how to get it off my phone and onto here, lol.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Six weeks;

Obviously I am not showing yet, I have no bump and you wouldn't even know I am pregnant if you didn't know me. The only way I can tell I'm pregnant is by my hormones - I am SO emotional over EVERYTHING, my greasy hair, my spotty face.. And, of course, that horrid morning sickness. I feel terrible on times, but so far I've only thrown up once. I really hope this pregnancy doesn't turn out to be as bad as it was with Lilia. My morning sickness was way too severe with her.
Since I'm so early on (I assume I am anyway) that's all I really have to talk about lately. I can't wait for a first scan :)